We Christians do not hate homosexuals. Well, real Christians who follow the teaching of Jesus Christ don't hate anyone. We believe that the Bible, written by men to whom God gave the words is the final authority on how to live, not some ancient text that needs to be updated.
In that Book, God says homosexuality is a sin. Not the unpardonable sin. Not the worst sin. A sin that can be wiped away when a person gives their life to Christ and is baptized into the Christian life. We believe this. If anyone has a problem with it, take that up with God.
We also believe what the Bible says when it tells us we are to love people. Love thy neighbor is in the Bible. It's as much the word of God as whatever sin we are talking about. As authentic Christians, then, we are to love those who know Christ and who do not know Christ. And we do. We aren't perfect, but thank God for His great mercy and grace!
Where in the World did Marriage Come From Anyway?
Well, it didn't come from the world. Marriage was established by God. That's not a stretch. It happened with the very first humans, Adam and Eve.
How can I say this? I believe the Bible is the inspired word of God. In Genesis it is recorded that God created Adam and then Eve. Genesis 2:24 tells us about marriage and how it should be according to God.
Government did not set up marriage, so it has no right to redefine it.
Also, let's look at the human race and its nature. Can anyone, with a straight face, actually suggest that any human thought having one spouse of the opposite sex for their lifetime was the best idea for marriage? No. I think if we were honest, humans would choose to have multiple simultaneous "partners" of various sexes and be free to change those partners at will whenever they cared to. Marriage was definitely God's idea.
Two Reactions
To my Christian brothers and sisters who scolded those of us who expressed a negative reaction, I have to ask why? Aren't we entitled to say how disappointed we are that America has taken yet another step away from God? This was nothing to celebrate or feel good about. As long as the reaction was not hateful, then I don't see the problem.
To those on the side of same-sex marriage who would squash the Christian's reaction to this ruling, I say, if you have the freedom to support same-sex marriage and speak out about it, we have the right to be against it and speak up about it. This is still America and we all enjoy the rights of the First Amendment. Certainly you are familiar with the concept of "rights" as you so often cite your right for this or that (whether true or not).
Why Marriage at All?
By most objective studies, marriage between one man and one woman is the best situation for children. And, God established marriage, not only as a way to help man (and thus woman) not be lonely, but to populate the earth. The earth could never be populated with two people of the same sex. Just cannot happen. That is why God set it up the way He did.
Happiness is a "Right"?
The right to be happy is not a right at all. No one has the intrinsic, God-given right to be happy. If that were the case, we would have the right to do anything that made us happy and we know that's not the case. What if killing people made you happy, as it does for some? What if, as for some, setting buildings on fire made you happy? What if robbing the elderly made you happy? Far-fetched ideas? No, not at all when you think happiness is a "right".
What Now?
In the end, we all can rest assured God's got this. He is in control of everything, even those things (like this country's morals) that seem out of control. He's also got our back.
Now, it might seem boring, but we Christians need to just keep praying and leaving this all in God's very capable hands. We need to ask for forgiveness. We must repent of our sins. We must also heed the call of 2 Chronicles 7:14 that God gave the Israelites.
Do not stop speaking out, but do so in love and with respect. Gently bringing the Truth to those who need to hear it.
To those who do not agree with God's take on marriage and homosexuality, I would ask you to extend the same "tolerance" to our position that you so fervently demand of us.
ROMANS 5:8 But God demonstrates His own love for us in this; while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
Questions? Comments? Leave them here, but be respectful.