We are blogging, Facebooking, tweeting, Instagramming, Snapchatting, kiking,
and chatting about these issues and the general decline of American and world morality and civilization. Just like secular society, our faces are firmly planted in our phones, laptops and tablets commenting, reposting, and arguing about these critical issues, as well as telling everyone what we did on the weekend, what award our child just received and what our current favorite cupcake recipe is.
Let's be honest, this takes A LOT of our time as does doing the mundane tasks of life like cooking dinner, cleaning the house and running the kids here there and everywhere. The "busy-ness" of life, seems to be at all-time high for many of us.
Let me ask you, in all of this, how much time do we spend responding to Jesus' command from Matthew 28 to go into all the world making disciples?
Wait. Bob? I have to spread the Gospel too? I don't have time for that. I'm busy defending the unborn, standing up against the radical homosexual agenda, making sure radical Islam does not take hold in my community, as well as all the other everyday activities that have to be done! I leave spreading the Gospel and evangelizing to my pastor and elders.
But, Jesus said we were to be His witnesses throughout the whole world. He wasn't sending us out to cure the ills of society or make sure the right person gets elected (by the way, God says He puts people into authority).
What are the two greatest commandments according to Jesus? To paraphrase: Love God and Love people.
We shouldn't be refusing to bake cakes for lesbians or tweet photos of aborted baby parts or post disparaging pictures of Hillary Clinton on Facebook.
We are to be spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ!
I am not saying these other things are not important or that we should be ostriches with our heads in the sand, BUT, we need, as a church, the church of Jesus Christ, to refocus on the task at hand and that is to spread the Good News that Christ died for the world's sins and we all need that forgiveness and grace and mercy!
We do that by loving the lost. We were lost at one time and we should be so ecstatic about be saved from eternal damnation that we should want to tell whoever we can about the saving power of knowing and believing in our risen Lord, Jesus Christ!
Let's refocus. Pray. Things will change. Abortion can be stopped. Radical Islam can be defeated. The homosexual issues we face can and would go away only when the Gospel is spread and people come to saving knowledge and belief in Jesus Christ.
What do you think? I'd love to hear from you.