Most people would probably be able to name at least one thing about themselves they would change if they could. Looks, punctuality, improve their health, change job, improve living arrangement, get a relationship. The one time of year people, as a whole, think of making a change is New Year's. 45% of people make a resolution on New Year's. However, only 8% of those who make a resolution actually carry it out. The seem to lack the power to change.
They came for Jesus in Gethsemane. They led him away to the High Priest's house. Peter, who had previously told Jesus he would die for him, followed a safe distance behind Jesus.
When they arrived, Peter sat around the fire with others as his friend was confronted by the High Priest. He was immediately recognized as a disciple of Jesus, but denied knowing the Lord. Then another recognized him, saying, "You are one of them,". Again Peter denies it. And, yet a third said, "Surely he's one of them, he's a Galilean!" For a third and final time Peter strongly denies knowing Jesus. At that moment a rooster crowed as Jesus turned to look at his friend. Peter, probably remembering how staunchly he stated he would die for Jesus instead of ever denying knowing Him, ran out of that courtyard and "wept bitterly". Let's face it, at that moment Peter realized what a coward he was. He folded under pressure after announcing how courageous he would be! He probably would have given anything at that moment to be able to change.
Fast forward to the crucifixion. Jesus is taken down from the cross and placed in the tomb. The disciples effectively disappeared. They actually ran away and hid. They were confused. They didn't realize what was happening. The feared the political revolution they thought Jesus would lead was "finished" before it even began. They faced humiliation from yet another failed "prophet". A failed teacher they put so much hope and energy into.
Then, on that Sunday morning, two of the women who had followed Jesus went to the tomb to anoint his body with spices and perfume. They knew the tomb was guarded, but probably hoped to convince the Roman soldiers to let them take care of their religious ritual. But when they got there, Jesus was not there. He had risen! Later on Jesus appeared to all the disciples. For the next 40 days he appeared to people including over 500 people. He told the disciples He had to leave, but He was sending a Comforter, a Guide; the Holy Spirit.
Forty days after Jesus ascended into heaven in front of all the disciples, Pentecost occurred. The Holy Spirit came down to live in the believers. The baptism of fire (the people saw the Spirit descend like tongues of flame) was happening! Jesus had previously stated that the Holy Spirit would give them power. But power for what?
On the day of Pentecost, Peter confronted a group of Jews. Peter? The one who just very recently had denied Christ and ran and hid? He confronted a large group and what did he do? He gave his first sermon preaching the Gospel and witnessing for Christ. Peter, through the Holy Spirit had changed! He was 180 degrees in the opposite direction. Instead of running away, he was running to the crowds. Instead of denying Christ, he was preaching Christ! Peter was different. He was bold. Well, he had always been bold at times, but now he was fearless. God's Spirit had transformed him in His fearless witness! A complete change.
If you're a child of God, you too can be changed. The same power that changed the Apostle Peter can change you. God's Spirit lives in you and He wants to change you to be His witness for Christ. You just have to ask and believe He can change you.
"but you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be My witnesses both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and even to the remotest part of the earth." Acts 1:8