Thursday, June 16, 2016

Chick fil A Does Not Compromise the Gospel-AGAIN!

I guess you'd have to have been on Mars or in a cave for a long time not to know about the furor Chick fil A caused by stating it was for the Biblical definition of marriage; one man, one woman. The LGBT community and their supporters railed against them. For a long time the media, which champions most, if not all, liberal-progressive causes ran negative story after negative story about this unashamedly Christian-run company. Yet, the company and its management stood firm in their beliefs.

Fast forward to the heinous evil terrorist attack by a radical Muslim in Orlando. 49 people killed, over 50 wounded. A horribly sad event. And Chick fil A in Orlando, whose corporate policy is to be closed on Sunday to honor the Christian Sabbath, opened their doors on a Sunday to feed those who were voluntarily giving blood for the wounded of the attack. And all the food was free. The company and that store in particular, once again stood firm in their beliefs.

Though, on the surface, this might seem to go against the Christian beliefs of this family-run company, it does not. And if you are thinking that, it proves that the vast majority of America and the world do not know or understand the Christian faith. This is for several reasons, the two main ones are the failure of the Christian church to effectively communicate our beliefs to the community around us and the failure of the media to honestly report on and about the Christian faith.

You see, if you got to know us personally, you'd see what we were all about and I would guess your opinion of us would change for the better.

Now it's true that we believe what God says in the Bible about marriage, but true Christians also believe, more importantly, that we are to love people (our neighbors). It is, after all, one of the two greatest commandments according to Jesus Christ. The other being we are to love God.

As little Christs (the definition of "Christian") our example is the sinless, perfect Christ. Jesus ignored the Jewish Sabbath to love His neighbor. Luke and Mark report on two different times Jesus healed someone (a man and a woman) on the Sabbath Day. You see, our Lord and Savior obviously thought people were more important than religious tradition and so do we Christians. Chick fil A is a wonderful, real-world example of that love.

So, please, if you've had a bad opinion of Chick fil A, I ask you to reconsider it, as well if you've had a negative opinion of Christians. If there's one thing Christians and Chick fil A do not want to do, that is leave a bad taste in anyone's mouth.

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